Fungi Images on the Net 
Flemming V. Larsen.

A  B  C  D  E   F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  ???

The Concept
of this homepage is to have a single site from where you can locate and view "all" the beautiful and informative images of mushrooms on the internet. From "Fungi Images on the Net" you now have direct access to nearly 1600 images. The images are listed by species names with info on file size, photographer and origin-URL. You can use this homepage as a supplement to your photo guide books and mushroom keys (try out the online mushroom key by Mike Walton Key to Common British Basidiomycetes) or in whatever way you like - But do not use this site as your only source if you're planing on eating wild mushrooms.

Copyright Notice
Except for my own images the images do not reside on this server - they are all linked directly from their origin-URL from all around the world - and they are all copyrighted to the photographers. I've tried to get in touch with everyone involved to get their permissions to link the images in this way. I've got a lot of positive response; but some still remains to give me feedback and for some I haven't been able to get any contact address. Please let me hear from you if you have any comment.

Quick Start

  1. Click on the starting letter for the species you're looking for in the alphabetic list above to go to the species list. "???" takes you to the list of unknown species.
  2. Locate the species either by scrolling down the list or by using your browser's "find" command or hot key (ctrl-f ).
  3. a. Click on the species name and view the image in your browser.

  4. b. Right-click (PC) / option click (Mac) and you can choose to open the images in a new browser window.
  5. a. Use the back button to go back to the list.

  6. b. Select the list window and repeat #3b to have more images to compare.
  7. For more information on the mushroom / image try following the link to the Origin-URL,

  8. there might be some good information there - no guarantee  though.

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